Agriculture News

Agriculture News

Many diseases are re-emerging, and households that refuse to vaccinate will face penalties.
Many diseases are re-emerging, and households that refuse to vaccinate will face penalties.
In recent times, several diseases such as African swine fever and lumpy skin disease have resurfaced in Cao Bang, while vaccination rates in many areas remain very low. Cao Bang, a mountainous and border province, largely relies on small-scale household farming, which increases the risk of outbreaks of diseases...
Using Avian Influenza Vaccines ‘Right Drug for the Right Disease
Using Avian Influenza Vaccines ‘Right Drug for the Right Disease
According to experts in the field of veterinary medicine, the use of avian influenza vaccines should focus on matching the vaccine strain to the specific strain of the disease. Avian influenza has caused significant damage to the livestock industry in our country since it first emerged in 2003. Cre:...
Livestock and Poultry Disease Incidents Decrease Significantly
Livestock and Poultry Disease Incidents Decrease Significantly
In the first half of 2022, disease outbreaks in livestock and poultry decreased significantly compared to the same period last year. Disease outbreaks in livestock and poultry decreased significantly in the first half of 2022. Cre: TL  On July 8, 2022, at the conference reviewing the first six months...
Intensify Vaccination of Livestock in the Last 6 Months of the Year
Intensify Vaccination of Livestock in the Last 6 Months of the Year
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has instructed localities to intensify livestock vaccination efforts, as disease outbreaks are more likely to occur towards the end of the year. Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien, along with leaders from the Department of Animal Health, inspected the status of poultry development...
Difficulties in Recruiting Veterinary Technicians for Local Facilities
Difficulties in Recruiting Veterinary Technicians for Local Facilities
The requirements for qualifications, job pressure, inadequate allowances, and lack of insurance make recruiting veterinary technicians for local facilities in Quang Tri as difficult as sifting through sand to find gold. To make a living in her profession, Ms. Pham Thi Ai Nga, a veterinary technician in Trieu Thuong...
Biosecure pig farming minimizes the risk of African swine fever.
Biosecure pig farming minimizes the risk of African swine fever.
In addition to using vaccines, biosecure pig farming is an effective measure to counter the risk of African swine fever in the livestock industry. A workshop to launch a pilot model for biosecure pig farming and African swine fever control was held at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural...
The rising costs are causing distress among livestock farmers in Tien Giang.
The rising costs are causing distress among livestock farmers in Tien Giang.
VOV.VN – The prices of breeding stock and animal feed continue to rise, while the selling prices of products increase slowly and remain below costs, causing many fish and pig farmers in Tien Giang to cease their operations. Tien Giang is a region with a strong livestock, poultry, and...
Đại hội đồng cổ đông thường niên năm 2022 Công ty Cổ Phần thuốc thú y Trung ương I
Đại hội đồng cổ đông thường niên năm 2022 Công ty Cổ Phần thuốc thú y Trung ương I
Sáng ngày 28/5/2022, Công ty Cổ Phần thuốc thú y Trung ương I  (VINAVETCO) đã tổ chức Đại hội đồng cổ đông (ĐHĐCĐ) thường niên năm 2022 tại: Cụm CN Bình Lương, xã Tân Quang, huyện Văn Lâm, tỉnh Hưng Yên. Tham dự và điều hành ĐHĐCĐ là các...
Lower pig price causes difficulties for recovery of husbandry industry
Lower pig price causes difficulties for recovery of husbandry industry
The retail price of pork at the markets declined by VNĐ50,000 per kilo to VNĐ80,000-120,000 depending on the type of pork. Photo A sharp reduction in pig prices on the domestic market at present is causing difficulties in restoring the pig production industry after the fourth wave of...
Breeders must re-herd now to meet demand of lunar new year
Breeders must re-herd now to meet demand of lunar new year
Despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, breeders in Việt Nam must re-herd now to ensure that demand for agricultural products can be met over the Tết (Lunar New Year) celebration that falls early February next year, an agricultural official has said. Nguyễn Văn Trọng, Deputy Director of...