Agriculture News


Many diseases are re-emerging, and households that refuse to vaccinate will face penalties.

In recent times, several diseases such as African swine fever and lumpy skin disease have resurfaced in Cao Bang, while vaccination rates in many areas remain very low.

Cao Bang, a mountainous and border province, largely relies on small-scale household farming, which increases the risk of outbreaks of diseases like African swine fever and lumpy skin disease in cattle.

Since June 1, African swine fever has resurfaced in several districts (Ha Lang, Trung Khanh, Bao Lac, Bao Lam). To date, the outbreak has affected and led to the culling of more than 400 pigs, with a total weight exceeding 17 tons. The province currently has 16 active disease outbreaks that have not yet passed the 21 days.

HTX Nông nghiệp Bảo Hưng, xã Trường Hà, huyện Hà Quảng làm tốt công tác phòng, chống dịch bệnh tả lợn Châu Phi. Ảnh: Công Hải.

The Bao Hung Agricultural Cooperative in Truong Ha Commune, Ha Quang District, has effectively managed the prevention and control of African swine fever. Cre: Cong Hai.

Le Bao Hung, Director of Bảo Hưng Agricultural Cooperative in Trường Hà Commune, Hà Quảng District, shared: “African swine fever still poses a risk of outbreak, so before restocking, our cooperative thoroughly disinfected the pig pens and spread lime powder for disinfection.

Currently, our cooperative maintains a breeding stock of 10 sows and 40-50 fattening pigs per batch. Having previously experienced an African swine fever outbreak, we place a strong emphasis on disease prevention. Being able to independently breed from our sows is also a key factor in reducing the risk of disease transmission.”

Luong Thi Phin, from Dong Chup Hamlet, Hung Dao Commune (Cao Bang City), expressed: “In 2021, after restocking pigs, my family again faced an African swine fever outbreak. Consequently, our pig pen and those of nearby households are still not restocked.

Besides the concerns about disease, rising feed costs and slow increases in pig prices make the risks quite high. We have only been raising a few poultry to avoid leaving the pens empty. Not only my family but also many households in the hamlet are still keeping their pens empty and have not yet restocked pigs,” Mrs. Phin said.


Nhiều hộ dân ở xóm Đồng Chúp, xã Hưng Đạo, Thành phố Cao Bằng vẫn chưa dám tái đàn lợn do sợ dịch bệnh tả lợn Châu Phi tái phát. Ảnh: Công Hải.

Many households in Dong Chup Hamlet, Hung Dao Commune, and Cao Bang City, still hesitate to restock pigs due to fears of a resurgence of African swine fever. Cre: Cong Hai.

On cattle, the lumpy skin disease first appeared in Cao Bằng at the end of 2020. In 2021, the outbreak was severe in various regions, affecting over 10,000 cattle, with 765 deaths. The highest number of cases was reported in Bảo Lâm, Bảo Lạc, Hòa An, and Hà Quảng districts.

When the outbreak intensified, the provincial agricultural sector instructed localities and livestock owners to strictly follow measures for disease prevention, including hygiene, disinfection of barns and livestock areas, and elimination of insects that serve as vectors for disease transmission.

Additionally, more than 80,000 doses of vaccine were administered according to local registration plans, along with 10,595 liters of disinfectant chemicals and 15,000 bottles of chemicals for treating ticks, lice, flies, and mosquitoes. By the end of 2021, the lumpy skin disease in cattle was successfully controlled.

However, the disease reemerged on June 3, 2022, in Bảo Lâm district, affecting 7 cattle. The resurgence occurred in a previous outbreak area where the cattle had lost immunity from the 2021 vaccination. Since then, no new outbreaks of lumpy skin disease have been reported.

According to the Cao Bằng Provincial Department of Crop Production and Animal Husbandry, besides African swine fever and lumpy skin disease, the summer season brings risks of other diseases, such as pasteurellosis, which has affected 63 livestock and pigs, with 23 deaths.

Dịch bệnh viêm da nổi cục đã được kiểm soát tốt so với năm 2021, song vẫn để xẩy ra tái phát tại một số địa phương ở Cao Bằng. Ảnh: Công Hải.

Lumpy skin disease has been well controlled compared to 2021, but it still recurs in some localities in Cao Bang.
Cre: Cong Hai.

Mr. Hoang Minh Dat, Head of the Department of Crop Production and Livestock of Cao Bang province, said: Every year, summer is the time when many diseases are at risk of re-emerging, especially African swine fever and lumpy skin disease, so we cannot be subjective.

From the beginning of summer, the Department has provided vaccines to localities, but the vaccination rate is low, mainly from 27 – 40%. The main reason is that the veterinary system in localities is still lacking, some work part-time, and lack expertise. In many places, vaccination work is left to the veterinary force to deploy on their own, without the participation and coordination of commune and hamlet officials.


In the coming time, the Cao Bang agricultural sector will direct localities to step up propaganda and mobilize people to vaccinate their livestock. The People’s Committees at commune and town levels will make records of livestock households that do not fully vaccinate the number of livestock that must be vaccinated; and have households sign a commitment to take responsibility and be subject to administrative penalties according to regulations…

Source: Cong Hai
Vietnam Agriculture Newspaper
