

VINAVETCO held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022.

On the morning of October 22, 2022, the Central Veterinary Medicine Joint Stock Company I (VINAVETCO) held its Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGM) for 2022 at Binh Luong Industrial Cluster, Tan Quang Commune, Van Lam District, Hung Yen Province.

The meeting was attended and chaired by the members of the Board of Directors:

      • Mr.Nguyen Anh Tuan      – The Chairman of the Board of Directors – Presiding Officer of the Meeting
      • Mr.To Giang Nam           – Board of Directors Members
      • Mr. Nguyen Viet Hoang    – Independent Board Members

At the meeting, the members of the presidium and the Head of the Organizing Committee presented reports, proposals, and results on the following specific matters::

  1. The Board of Director’s report on the investment in the Betalactam production facility project:

Proposal No. 35/2022/BCHĐQT-ĐHĐCĐBT dated September 28, 2022, regarding the investment in the Betalactam production facility project was approved. The resolution authorizes the 100% owned subsidiary, Central Veterinary Medicine Joint Stock Company I (VINAVETCO), to carry out the investment for the construction of the Betalactam production facility at Binh Luong Hamlet, Tan Quang Commune, Van Lam District, Hung Yen Province. The funding for the project will come from VINAVETCO’s capital contribution to the subsidiary and additional fundraising.

The amount VINAVETCO plans to invest in the subsidiary, Central Veterinary Medicine Joint Stock Company I, is VND 20,000,000,000 (Twenty billion VND), corresponding to the funds raised through the private placement of shares to increase VINAVETCO’s charter capital in 2022.

The voting results of the General Meeting of Shareholders are as follows: The total number of shares in favor: 10,835,043 shares, representing 100% of the total shares with voting rights at the meeting.

Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, presented the investment report on the Betalactam production facility project.

  1. The Audit Committee report dated September 28, 2022, on the company’s activities for the first six months of the year and the feasibility of the Private Placement of Shares plan – The report was presented by Mr. Nguyen Viet Hoang. The result showed that 100% of the shares with voting rights at the meeting approved the content of this report.

Mr. Nguyen Viet Hoang, Chairman of the Audit Committee and Independent Board Member, presented the Audit Committee report dated September 28, 2022, on the company’s activities for the first six months of the year and the feasibility of the private placement of shares plan.

  1. The Private Placement of Shares Plan: 100% of the shares voted in favor of this resolution, specifically approving Proposal No. 38-2022/TTr-ĐHĐCĐBT dated September 28, 2022, regarding the private placement of shares to increase the company’s charter capital and the plan for utilizing the funds raised from the sale. The Board of Directors is authorized to carry out the necessary actions to ensure the successful implementation of the private placement, complete the business registration changes following the share issuance process at Central Veterinary Medicine Joint Stock Company I, and adjust the charter capital of Central Veterinary Medicine Company TW1.
  2. The resolution approved Proposal No. 39-2022/TTr-ĐHĐCĐBT dated September 28, 2022, regarding the amendment of the company’s charter and changes to the business registration details: Ms. Vu Thi Hai Hong, Head of the Shareholder Qualification Review Committee, presented the plan. The proposal was approved with a total of 10,835,043 shares in favor, representing 100% of the shares with voting rights at the meeting.

Ms. Vu Thi Hai Hong, Head of the Shareholder Qualification Review Committee, presented the plan for the private placement of shares and the amendment of the company’s charter.

Thus, the items discussed at VINAVETCO’s 2022 Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders were approved with 100% of the votes from all shareholders present and those who had authorized their proxies for the meeting.

The meeting concluded at 10:30 AM on the same day.

