

Vinavetco Customer Conference: A Journey for Community Health!

On January 12, 2023, in Hung Yen Province, Central Veterinary Medicine Company I (Vinavetco) held a Customer Conference with the theme “Journey: For Community Health.” The conference was attended by nearly 200 major customers, loyal clients, and potential customers of Vinavetco.

The Vinavetco Management Board welcomed the distinguished guests to the conference.

At the conference, Mr. Nguyễn Anh Tuấn – Chairman of the Board of Vinavetco, stated: “The Customer Conference is a gesture of gratitude to our valued customers and also an opportunity for Vinavetco to meet and listen to direct feedback from our customers, including their concerns and expectations towards the company. Your feedback provides us with diverse perspectives, helping Vinavetco to continuously improve product quality and services to better meet customer needs”.

Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan – Chairman of the Company, gave a speech at the conference

At the reception area, guests had the opportunity to tour and experience Vinavetco’s products at the display booth. They were also provided with detailed consultations by the company’s staff regarding the products and their uses for disease prevention and treatment in animals, gaining comprehensive and vivid insights into the company’s key and strategic products.

Customers visited and explored Vinavetco’s new product lines.

In the program, Mr. Pham Xuan Long – National Sales Director gave a presentation introducing several new product lines with improved formulation and production technology, delivering high quality and treatment effectiveness. On this occasion, Vinavetco also introduced its new pet product line, which has been researched and developed using the latest formulas and modern production technology, aiming to launch the highest quality products in the market.

Mr. Pham Xuan Long – National Sales Director introduces Vinavetco’s new products


At the conference, many customers expressed their joy and trust in Vinavetco’s sustainable development. For example, Ms. Le Thi Lan – a long-time customer of Vinavetco – shared: “I am very happy to participate in a major event of Vinavetco and am truly moved to see the company growing stronger. As a customer who has been with the company for over 30 years, I always hope that the company continues to develop, flexible policies and improved product quality to enhance effectiveness!”.

Ms. Le Thi Lan – Sharing her feelings at the conference

Vinavetco honors our valued customers

Vinavetco honors our valued customers

Earlier, customers had taken the time to visit Vinavetco’s factory, experiencing firsthand the high-tech, fully automated, and semi-automated production processes in the Non-Betalactam and Betalactam workshops. This visit helped to reinforce their trust in Vinavetco’s products, which are manufactured using modern production lines, adhering to strict procedures, and meeting GMP-WHO cleanliness standards.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Hung – General Director of the Company, welcomes esteemed customers to visit the factory.

Esteemed customers visit the Non-Betalactam Production Workshop meeting GMP – WHO standards.


Esteemed customers visit the Betalactam Production Workshop meeting GMP – WHO standards.

Vinavetco is entering a new phase of development, aiming to become one of the most reputable veterinary pharmaceutical companies with a strong brand value. To achieve this, Vinavetco is decisively improving its sales policies, enhancing customer service, and advancing technology to elevate product quality. In particular, Vinavetco will focus on investing in research and development (R&D) to innovate and upgrade new products, and to develop high-tech solutions.

To realize these development strategies, Vinavetco needs the support, encouragement, and partnership of its customers, as this will be a significant source of motivation for Vinavetco to move forward with confidence.

The journey “For Community Health” is still ahead, and the new generation of Vinavetco is determined to achieve the goal now and in the future: to continually maintain its leading position in the research, production, and business of veterinary medicines and aquaculture pharmaceuticals.

News: Vinavetco.
