
men vi sinh rac chuong balasa vn



Target species: Eliminates odor, absorb toxic gases, inhibits microorganisms causing diseases in animal, quick decomposition of organic substances in livestock and poultry barns

Pharmaceutical form: Powder

Specification: Sachet of 1 kg

Product Description


Each kg contains:

– Bacillus spp.: ≥ 1010 CFU

– Saccharomyces spp ≥ 1010 CFU

– Lactobacillus spp.: ≥ 109 CFU

– Thermophilic actinomycetes: ≥ 1010 CFU

– Carrier (Tra My cinnamon powder, super fine CaCO3) q.s.f: 1 kg.


– Eliminates fecal odors, dehumidifies, and dries the barn. Absorbs toxic gases in the barn floor and manure, especially Ammonia (NH3), H2S, stabilizes pH, reduces organic pollution, quickly decomposes waste in manure and leftover feeds.

– Inhibits microorganisms causing disease to create a safe environment for livestock, increases immunity, reduces the number of bedding changes, and reduces livestock costs.

– Special yeast containing herbs that warm, dry, and have antibacterial properties can be sprayed and applied to newborn piglets to create a protective film in the first days of life.


Do not use in animals with known hypersensitivity or allergy to components of the product.

Administration and dosage:

Cushion making technique:

+ Make bedding directly on the poultry floor: 10 cm thick for broiler chickens or 15 cm thick for laying hens.

+ Making bedding to raise laying hens in bunk cages: In a cage with a distance of about 50 cm between the bottom of the cage and the floor, you can make bedding. Due to the high density of chickens and a lot of excrement, it is necessary to make bedding over 20 cm thick.

+ Making bedding for raising ducks and geese: Because manure has a lot of water, the bedding needs to be thicker. You can use rice husk or sawdust, but it’s best to use a mixture. Be careful not to let the water wet the barn floor.

– How to use yeast with poultry:

+ After 7 to 10 days for brooding poults and ducklings, after 2 to 3 days for chickens and ducks, if you observe that manure is spread all over the surface of the coop, use 1 kg of yeast to treat the coop. Mix well with 1 kg of dry powder (can use rice bran, cassava powder or corn powder), then sprinkle evenly on the padding surface with an area of ​​50 m2.

+ Every few days, lightly rake the surface of the bedding once to help bury feces and aerate the bedding.

+ Sprinkle periodically every 2 – 4 weeks depending on the amount of fertilizer.

For livestock barns on bedding: Sprinkle directly onto the bedding. 1 kg of yeast to treat barns is used for an area of ​​about 50 m2.

Decomposing organic waste into organic fertilizer: 1 kg of barnyard yeast is used to treat 2 to 3 tons of organic waste.

Deodorize barn floors, manure and urine pits, and sewers: Sprinkle on barn floors, pits, and ditches. 1 kg of barn treatment yeast is used to treat hundreds of m2 of barn floors or 5 to 10 m3 of waste storage space.

Withdrawal period: Do not apply.

Storage: Store in a dry place, temperature below 30ºC, away from sunlight

Shelf life: 2 years.
