

Vinavetco organized a training course on developing office IT skills for employees.

On August 12, 2023, VINAVETCO held the opening ceremony for an office IT skills training course for employees at the Bình Lương Factory Office, Tân Quang, Văn Lâm, Hưng Yên. This internal training activity aims to enhance office IT skills and foundational knowledge for VINAVETCO’s office staff.

With the support and coordination from the Training Department of Mavin Group, the course is scheduled to be conducted over three Saturdays, starting from the opening date. The course will be led by Mr. Trương Văn Đức, a trainer from Mavin Group, who has prepared the course materials tailored to the specific needs of VINAVETCO.

The training focuses primarily on transferring fundamental office IT knowledge to VINAVETCO’s office staff, with the goal that participants will become proficient in using Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Specifically, after the course, VINAVETCO’s office staff will be able to effectively use essential features and skills, such as drafting, editing, and processing documents; creating tables and charts, performing basic calculations, and preparing data reports; and using PowerPoint for designing, presenting, and delivering presentations.

At the opening ceremony, Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Thu Hưng, VINAVETCO’s Director, shared: “The office IT skills training program is part of our 2023 training plan and a key component in our human resource development strategy. Enhancing job processing skills and deepening professional knowledge are crucial for our staff. Mastery of office IT skills will enable each individual to complete their tasks efficiently and effectively.”

“Entering the course” with a progressive and eager-to-learn attitude, 32 VINAVETCO employees across various age groups enthusiastically participated in the training process. They actively engaged in learning and consolidating both new and previously acquired skills. The training involved practical applications of the knowledge and skills gained, such as drafting and editing documents, preparing reports, and presenting data, as well as analyzing and synthesizing information.,…

The course not only covered basic office IT skills but also fostered team collaboration, enhancing teamwork abilities and promoting collective spirit. Participants improved their independent thinking, developed presentation skills, and practiced public speaking.

At the end of the course, a final project was conducted to assess the students’ learning outcomes through a practical exam. The assignment required participants to present a report on the results of the first eight months of the year and an action plan for the last four months of 2023. The results were both surprising and impressive, with each presentation demonstrating the participants’ ability to apply the knowledge in real-world scenarios. Overall, the training proved to be highly effective and meaningful.

Ms. Hoàng Thu Hà, the winner of the competition, shared her experience: “Both myself and the office staff were very enthusiastic about participating in this practical and meaningful training course. Besides the knowledge gained from school and work experience, this course provided me with additional skills in office IT that I was previously unaware of. These skills will enhance my effectiveness and reduce the time required to perform my tasks in the future. On behalf of the 32 participants, I would like to express our gratitude to VINAVETCO’s leadership and Mr. Đức for providing us with the opportunity to advance our skills and knowledge.”

The course concluded successfully, meeting the expectations of both the leadership and the participants. The application of the acquired knowledge is expected to improve efficiency and shorten the time required to complete tasks for individuals and departments within VINAVETCO.

News: Vinavetco
