Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease affecting chickens, often breaking out rapidly in damp conditions. It is highly contagious, persistent, and challenging to completely eradicate. In Vietnam, statistics show that coccidiosis causes a 5-15% mortality rate in chickens. Infected chickens are also prone to secondary infections, especially by E. coli, complicating treatment further. Etiology The disease […]

1. CAUSES Viral hepatitis is an acute, highly lethal disease of ducks, geese, turkeys, star chickens, geese and pheasants. In Vietnam, the disease is caused by a virus belonging to the Picornavirus group. The disease usually occurs in ducks < 6 weeks old, especially 1 – 3 week old ducks with high mortality rate and […]

1. CAUSES Caused by avian influenza viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae, with continuous mutation characteristics, there have been major pathogenic branches so far: Clade 1.1, Clade A, Clade B, Clade C. Poultry of all ages can be infected, but it is most common in chickens between 4 and 8 weeks of age, […]

CHICKEN’S ASTHMA (CRD – CHRONIC RESPIRATORY DISEASE) 1. CAUSES The disease is caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum. 2. SYMPTOMS Chickens are sick and moody, eat less, grow slowly, and become weak. Chickens have difficulty breathing, coughing, choking. Runny nose, tears, eyelid inflammation, sometimes see swelling of the head. In laying hens, egg production is reduced. 3. […]
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